Experience the thrill of four-wheel-drive action and performance with the SC10 4x4!
Magazine Reviews I almost couldn't believe my eyes: it's an entirely new platform from the ground up, filled with next-level design and performance features. According to AE, the decoupled slipper allows the front and rear tires to slip independently, offering increased traction and stability. AE designed the 4x4 as a truck from the ground up to handle all of the abuse you can throw at it. All of the components are mounted on top of the chassis, which is a genius concept you'll appreciate if you've ever picked compressed dirt out of dozens of screwheads with a hobby knife. Existing 550-size LRP and Tekin motors fit perfectly, as do all 540-size brushless motors. Three-piece chassis: As the chassis pieces wear, you can replace each section individually. Front "Clicker": If you've dreamed of having a front one-way differential for increased steering but also hoped for a standard differential at the same time, it may have felt like wanting your cake and eating it, too. With a front one-way "clicker" installed between the drive belt and front diff, you can have both. AE's president Cliff Let asserted, "This vehicle is, by far, the longest and most expensive project in Team Associated history." --Radio Control Car Action, April 2011
The SC10 4x4 carries the 2WD drive nameplate, but the only thing that is the same is the look. Built in Team Associated's new factory, the SC10 4x4 shows us what we might expect from the company in the future. 2011 Ball Cups: The new ones are also updated and allow you to remove the ball studs with an Allen wrench instead of using pliers. Get larger...shocks: They are large bore rather than the previous 1/10-scale, and since the company was redesigning things, AE went all out with the shocks. They now load with a cartridge at the bottom, and have bladder caps with bleed screws in them. The shocks are a pretty awesome design and seem to be much easier to build and maintain than the previous designs. Engineer Kurt Wenger said, "If you continually design things around existing parts, it's almost impossible to move forward. This is our car that sets the trend for all future cars." --Xtreme RC Cars, April 2011